Thursday 9 October 2008

Five months...

A lot can happen in a person's life in 5 months.

I have been absent from the world of blogging and have returned to read of sorrow and joy in the lives of my blog friends. For one friend in particular there has been incredible tradgedy and heartache.... Rach I am so sorry.

Where have I been all this time?

In hospital, then in bed for months, then to Hong Kong, then part way around Australia on a long camping trip, all the while carrying a little person inside my tummy, who initially made me very sick, but is now making me pee all night.... and smile. He/she should be making an appearance in Jan.

I am hoping to get my crafty mojo back and get back to blogging about it all. Jo


Rachael said...


Thank you for your sweet words. I have been worrying about you! You are naughty for not telling us you would be away - you should know that I always think the worst. I was even thinking of how to track down Nanna Jan to ask her what was going on.

I hope you are OK after your hospital stay. And I hope you had a great time in Hong Kong. Plese say you ate your weight in dim sum! I can't get enough of it and then I wonder why my thighs are bigger than Texas...

Anyhoo, welcome back to the madness.


Jenny said...

Great to see you back, Jo.

Also very glad to hear that all the sickness is over.

Pip said...

Yay - you're back : )

Jo said...

Thanks for the welcome back, you are all lovely.
Yes, lots of shopping and Dim Sum in HK. We had a great time.