Friday 8 February 2008

Colour consultant needed!!

Friday craft today.

Here is Katie trying to choose a fabric that I could use for applique on these purple stripey pants (for baby Alice). It is a well known fact that I can't pick colours (the colour I originally painted our bedroom looked like the Nocturnal House at the Zoo). The Cinnamon Teacake we ate.
The onesie I made today for Amys bub.


Nana Jan said...

Looks like you had a great craft day today and a very successful fabric shopping day yesterday. Who made the cinnamon teacake - it looks yummy!

Love, Nana Jan.

Pip said...

Did you decide on the fabric? Love all the material you have there! My choice to go on the purple stripe would be the small floral bottom left.

Jo said...

That's the one I like too. I will definitely use it now.

Mum, it is a 'Greens' packet one, shhh... don't tell anyone.