Wednesday 13 February 2008

Birthday Surprise.

Sarah will be turning 8 very soon. She has changed so much over the past year.
For her 7th Birthday we took her and a few friends to see Winnie the Pooh at the Marian St Theatre.
This year she wanted to go and see High School Musical on Ice. At around $50 per ticket, we said no.
But, I have just booked tickets to the Hannah Montana 3D concert instead. At $107 for 2 adults and 5 giggling girls, much better. I think she will be just as excited about this, she loves Hannah Montana, (and both Matt and Jonty have been known to watch the odd episode too...)
I am not sure whether to keep it a surprise or not. I am not sure whether Dave and I will enjoy it or not.

1 comment:

Nana Jan said...

I think Sarah will be very excited about the Birthday celebration you've arranged, although I don't know how you'll keep it a secret. She will no doubt want to choose the 5 giggling girls to accompany her for this fantastic show. I'm sure you and Dave will have a ball! Trust me, looking at things through children's eyes can take on a whole new meaning, so go with the flow!
Love, Nana Jan.