Saturday 2 February 2008

This week I have been working on Birthday presents for my God-daughter Lucy and her sister Zoe, (they are born on the same day, 2 years apart, how cool is that!!). Here is a sneak peek.
I love this little bird, it is from a 'Charlie and Lola' mobile template.

Yesterday was the first day of 'Friday Craft', a vision I have for this year to bring women together to create and build relationships with each other. It was lots of fun. I found myself playing the role of teacher, helping one friend make a bag, the other a pencil roll.
I really enjoy teaching which is a good thing considering I am at uni studying to become one.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

How gorgeous! Birds are a big favourite in our house... I wish I knew enough crafters as your friday group looks like a lot of fun.